Saturday, March 2, 2013


It looks like spring is being spring.  We are having snowfall.  It has been snowing for 24 hours now.  None of it sticks until the sun goes down.

I had seedlings popping their heads up in the garden beds.  And I left the frost covers on.  I guess I'll be checking, when the weather turns, to see if anything survived.  If not, I'll be planting again.  Annoying but not a big deal.  It's part of gardening.

All other fronts in our lives are stable at the moment.  Just dealing with the same basic stuff from day to day.  I hope for things to stay stable and peaceful for a good long while.  Until I'm 80 or 90 at least.

We are well prepared for the weather.  And I'm so glad that I didn't have to go anywhere near the grocery stores yesterday or today.  I'm sure the stores were a madhouse at just the mention of snow.  When the snow appeared things probably went from madhouse to completely and utterly insane.  The only problem here is a child who has spring fever and can't get outside to burn it off.

I hope you are well prepared and set during the bad weather.  Or living somewhere that isn't getting bad weather right now.  Well....actually....both.  Good night all!

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