Monday, June 10, 2013

Freshening the Bathroom

Okay I know I already covered that we had shifted to using homemade washable wipes in the bathroom.  (Look here if you have questions: )  And it actually works really, really well.  And the savings in our budget has truly been appreciated.

But there has been one downside.  The downside is that even the plastic container I use eventually absorbs unpleasant odors that can be smelled in the bathroom.  At first I started putting a layer of baking soda in the bottom of the container.  And changing containers every other month or so.  Since the containers are made from vinegar jars headed for recycling it's not a big deal to make a new one.  But I still didn't like the idea that someone visiting might smell something unpleasant.  So I was really debating buying some of those scent absorber things to deal with it.  And waffling because that was an expense I didn't want to add on and I'm allergic to almost all of those things.

Today someone sent me a link for homemade shower soothers.  While exploring that link I found this:

So there was a big smile on my face because I have plenty of the ingredients on hand here and wouldn't have to go pay for something loaded with stuff that I'm allergic to.  And I'm cheating slightly by setting them in the oven on the lowest setting in order to help set them faster.  I'd use the dehydrator but it's full of cantaloupe right now.

If these work then I've got a couple of other places I want to try them in.  I'm pretty sure they will work since this was "fate" responding to a need I had.  I also really like the idea of tossing them into the laundry with the contents of the container to help with cleaning and freshening.  I'm thinking about experimenting to find a way to hang them in various places.  We'll have to see what happens.  All in all they should be an effective item for us.  I hope that some of you might find them useful as well.

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