Not a lot of changes here.
I am still not doing garden stuff. One of the indoor tasks I decided to complete was the installation of some addition lighting in my kitchen. It's been on hold for a few years because I keep getting told that "someone" will come up and wire it to function from a light switch. I finally decided to stop waiting and to put it up myself. I can live with the loss of the outlet. The lack of light in certain areas has been driving me crazy though. So I got a light hung over the sink and a set of halogen pucks lights put up under the cabinets.
Apparently putting up the halogens was the last straw for the nerve in my neck. I didn't pick up on any warning signs while doing the installation but within two hours I could barely use the arm for the pain. After a long convoluted "adventure", I finally got some arnica. I spent one day taking enough that I couldn't feel the pain at all. That was heavenly. Now I'm taking just enough to dull the pain, yet still allow me to feel if I'm doing something with that arm that I shouldn't. But I have lighting! And it's wonderful. The halogen pucks put out a lot more light than the little LED pucks I tried.
The light over the sink is a lantern style with amber glass and I absolutely love the effect. I can see clearly to do the dishes but the light spread through the room has a lovely tint. And I don't know what memory it triggers, but that light causes an automatic calming effect on my system. I'm guessing it's a childhood memory trigger of somewhere we used to go with my grandparents. Either way, it's nice.
I'm without a vehicle this week as my van is at the repair shop. All of us, including the mechanic, are hoping that this is the last repair for quite a while. The front seal will be replaced as well as the timing belt.
For now, I'm working on curriculum materials and computer stuff. I still have to be careful since even that seems to get the nerve really irritated. But I am getting a lot done. And realizing a lot of things. A few days ago I found an old computer backup. Since I was looking for some materials I designed back then, I got it all unzipped so I could look through it. After all was said and done I found myself deleting tons of materials regarding IEPs, meetings, training, etc. And smiling because even the challenge of creating our curriculum and making it adaptable for my son doesn't cause the level of stress that was associated with all of that stuff.
I'm also getting basic housework caught up on, including laundry. But the new lessons/issues regarding laundry are a whole post by themselves.
And lastly, I've given in a scheduled a doctor's appointment. That led to a whole round of fun when it turned out that they had mistakenly received a notice telling them that I was changing my primary physician. Not that I wouldn't, if I could find a better one that accepted my insurance. But the doctor's office that did it isn't any better and I only went to see them once. My choice was an alternate doctor or the ER, so I chose the alternate doctor. After a couple of hours that mess was straightened out, but it was too late for me to get an appointment before I lost the van for this week. So the appointment is Friday. Hopefully we can get everything handled in one visit but I doubt it. The broken toe will require an X-ray at the least and probably a referral to another doctor. Oh well. I might as well get it all taken care of since I'm going to go in.
Truthfully, it's been a topsy turvy week but we are doing good. Hopefully, by the end of this week, we will be doing great. And even better, if things go right, by next week I'll be back on track for getting the garden cleaned up and prepped for next year. So I'm keeping fingers crossed for good things coming our way.
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