Saturday, August 3, 2013


It seems that Murphy has come for an extended visit.  I don't know why.  It's been three weeks of things breaking down, family relationship messes, and child illnesses/issues.  I normally look for the positive side of things but it's been getting hard.  I spent quite a while last night doing meditation and praying that Murphy, and whatever triggered his presence, will now pass us by.  Forever if possible.  And that we, including my extended family, will be able to recover from the issues with peace and minimal further "damage".

From my heart and soul to those to exist above.  I hope it is so.

On the positive side - Munchkin is getting over yet another eye issue.  After speaking with his doctor we've decided to change one of his allergy medications.  There is the possibility that the medication he was on was causing his eyes to be extremely dry resulting in them not tearing up enough to handle irritants.  Hence the multiple eye issues since he's been back on his allergy medications full time and at adult dosages now.

Positive side #2, although Murphy really interfered in a lot of things yesterday, and cost us money we just didn't have to spend.  He didn't do so until we had reached the stores that we needed to in order to get things to help Munchkin with his eye issues.  And while he threw both big and little issues in our path to getting some of those things we managed to persevere and get what was needed.  And a little angel popped in for us to help with one completely impromptu idea that actually worked very well indeed.

Positive #3, friends who listen to me vent about Murphy's stunts so that I could see past the pain of the stress and move on.  And who were able to understand when I laughed about things and able to laugh with me.

Positive #4, a relatively pain free day physically despite all the stress.

Positive #5, a bountiful beautiful garden and a mostly mowed lawn.

Positive #6, a loving child.

Positive #7, that we are alive,  awake, and breathing to see the beauty of another day and move past the issues that have been plaguing us.

Positive #8 - While this is a positive, possibly, for us, I'm quite sure it wasn't a positive for my dear friend.  But she sees it as at least a partial one since it can help Munchkin.  Her iPhone has developed an issue that means she can no longer use it.  Actually it can't effectively be used as a phone anymore since it won't alert that a call is incoming.  But it can be used for other purposes and it can be protected with an Otterbox.  So she is sending it over so that we can look into setting it up as a backup communication device for Munchkin.  Or maybe as the main device since it can be protected.  And I can keep the unprotected small tablet for backup.  (That is an amazingly sturdy little tablet!)

Positive #9 - That with the assistance of dear friends and family we are once more headed into another year of homeschooling.  This allows us to leave the stress of dealing with the school system behind.  In fact, sometime today I should be getting around to getting the lesson plans into the scheduler.

Here's hoping that Murphy is not plaguing any of you and that he has been directed away from us.

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