Yesterday and today have been something of a rush. Yesterday I had to go to three different stores in order to get seed potatoes and bell peppers. Yes, I know I could plant potatoes from the grocery store but I wanted to know exactly what potatoes I had. And the hot peppers I wanted aren't available yet. Hopefully they will be by next week. Anyways, add all that running around with pool time for my son, a doctor visit for my son, and then a pit stop by my parents' place and we didn't get home until dinner time.
And since the weather has been beautiful, I let my son run around in the yard until it got dark while I went out and started the weeding for the last old garden bed. That one was the worst. It was the first bed I put in last year and I didn't get any type of good mulch cover down on it. I got about 2/3 of the way through before it started getting dark. Oh, and I got the potatoes planted and the full layer of soil over them.
Today we skipped Co-op because my son still isn't feeling up to par. At around noon he finally felt well enough that he went outside on his own. He's spent most of the day on the porch swing rocking back and forth. And somehow he scraped a good layer of skin off of one of his fingers. And yet he didn't make a sound that let me know. I cleaned it and put a layer of Neosporin on it as soon as I realized what he had done. And since he's still playing it will get a thorough cleaning again before bed time. This is one of those times that I wish he would allow bandaids.
I went out and finished the weeding in that last bed. It wasn't fun and I'm definitely being more careful about mulch this year. Most of the beds will have thick layers of greens to serve as a mulch for part of the season. And then different types of squashes for the remainder of the season. But this one was so bad that I ended up digging up all the soil and sorting through it for weed roots. There was a lot of runner grass and some tree roots which I think came from a mimosa that I keep trying to kill. Then I added all the extra stuff. And then I planted the peppers. Then I also planted three of the tomatoes that my Mom grabbed for me this past weekend. I didn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her that I had already gotten the tomato plants. And a few more won't hurt anything.
But the rush was trying to get as much in the ground as possible before it rains. The weather man says the rain won't be until Thursday but the sky is showing tonight maybe tomorrow. If it doesn't rain tomorrow then I'll get in the last of the kidney beans and the beets. And maybe I'll get a few starter trays for later season plants going. Oh, and the Job's Tears. This way nature can give them all a good heavy watering that will be better than anything I can do with a hose. And it's probably time to move the citrus out of the house.
The list for the next couple of weeks is painting the front porch and wooden swing set. And clearing out the section of ground along the side fence. That section will become focused on blackberries and Job's Tears on the inside. And the outside section will become the home for the raspberries, I think. And I need to weed the herb bed and the grape & strawberry bed. Also some friends are coming over to get some daylilies, irises, and resurrection lilies. I might even get a small decorative bed planted in the front yard near the end of the driveway. Oh, and lest I forget, I still have blueberries to get in the ground.
Geez that list keeps growing.............I think I'll stop now before I convince myself that there is too much to get it done. Here's hoping that spring is keeping you hopping and happy.
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