Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Ok, first, I'm laughing at myself because I forgot to title the last post.  Oops.

Now on to multitasking.  This has always been one of my better skills.  And one that my employers have loved because I could get a lot of work done - effectively and efficiently.  And nowadays it serves me well at home - when it's working.  For the last two weeks it's only been working sporadically which has resulted in me being majorly frustrated.

Well today it's been working in spades!  I started the day with finishing up dishes and making blueberry muffins.  Then we got lessons done.  Then I got onions caramelizing in the oven.  And then started laundry again.  Then I moved outside and got 2/3 of the lawn done.  Then lunch and more lessons.  Then back to onions to make "cream of" onion soup for canning.  Now one batch of that is in the canner while the other batch is in prep.  And all the extra canning jars from the house are now in storage while needed ones came in and got cleaned.  And several loads of dishes.  Basically it's been nonstop in a very, very good sort of way.  Oh, and my son's pool is full again.  And there's more to do, but since I don't wish to jinx myself I'll stay quiet until those things are done.

I'm looking forward to having "cream of" onion soup on the shelves again.  We ran out over two months ago and I've quickly come to realize just how much of it we use.  I'm not sure I'm growing enough onions to support this level of canning this year.  So next year I'll have to plant more, or see if I can grow a second crop through the winter.  Or possibly - both.  This batch is being made using onions from Sam's Club.  I got a 50 lb bag.  So I will need to grow 50 lbs of onions, or more, for the year.  That would make the cream of onion soup and, hopefully, the powdered onion.  I should know by the end of next week.  I'm thinking I might actually need 100 lbs.  Wow!  That's a lot of onions.  (Oh, I'm not anywhere near through the entire 50 lbs yet.  Only about 1/3 of the way.)

Yes, I make my own powder onion, and dried minced onion.  There's an amazing taste difference between the homemade and the store bought.  The first time it was an experiment, and a way to get some extra chopped onions off of my hands.  The difference was so drastic that now it's a standard.  I love and appreciate my dehydrator.  It has been as wonderful a source of good unique food as canning has.

By the way, the "cream of" onion recipe is not mine so I don't feel right sharing it.  If you are interested, drop me a line and I will share the information on the canning group where I obtained the recipe.  They have been the source for many useful, and unique, canning recipes.

So back to my ultra productive day.  I'm loving it!  I hope you are having a good day as well.

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