Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Okay first off:

Happy Mothers' Day!

That is for all of us who are raising children in our lives right now.  And those who have raised their children.  And those who for some reason have lost their children.

But I also wish a Happy Mothers' Day to all of those women who would have been mothers.....except for some reason their baby's souls went home before the baby was born into this world. 

I have a dear friend who has been pregnant quite a few times in her life but for whatever reason, the pregnancies were never able to come to turn.  She didn't abort.  She did everything the doctors told her to.  But for whatever reason, all of her children came and left before it was time for them to become part of the outside world.  And she loved each child dearly while they were with her.

She nevers gets to hear folks tell her "Happy Mothers' Day", although she is a great aunt for the kids in her family.  A great "aunt" to my son.  Heck, to be truthful, a great "aunt" for any child whose parents will allow her to be.  When we lived close enough, she was my son's second mother.  And in my, and his heart, she still is.

So for her, and all the women out there like her, Happy Mothers' Day. 

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